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A Daily Cleaning Schedule for the Bathroom

The Come Clean Blog

Today’s families are busier than ever. Parents have jobs and community commitments, while kids have school and ever-demanding sports and after-school activities. All of these important events seem to leave less and less time for house cleaning.

However, by creating the right cleaning schedule, you can keep your bathroom looking great in just a few minutes a day. The bathroom is one of the most important rooms to schedule, since it gets dirtier than most rooms. With the right products, you can clean it quickly each day, preventing the need for a long cleaning session each week.

Daily Shower Cleaner

A Daily Shower Cleaner Will Save You Time

A daily shower cleaner you can use quickly each morning before leaving the shower will keep your shower clean… no excessive scrubbing needed. Using a daily shower cleaner keeps cleaning time down to about one minute per day, since you simply spray and go. If you have a glass shower, make sure to use a squeegee to prevent water spots.

For toilet cleaning, an easy solution is using an in-tank cleaner that releases toilet bowl cleaner each time you flush. Then, once a week, quickly add a little regular toilet bowl cleaner and give the bowl a quick brushing.

Use A Streak-free Window Cleaner On Mirrors

For the bathroom sink, use cleaning wipes. A simple wipe down of the sink each morning or night will prevent you from ever needing to completely scrub down the bathroom sink. Using a quality streak-free window cleaner will allow you to quickly wipe down the mirror to ensure it’s clean and completely streak-free.

Get Streak-free Mirrors

To keep bathroom floors spotless, mop once a week with a non-toxic floor cleaner. To save money, make sure to purchase a concentrate that you can dilute into a spray bottle. Spray the floor quickly, then mop with a damp mop. While the floor is drying, wash the bathroom mats in the washer.

By following these tips, your bathroom will always be squeaky clean, no matter how busy your life gets!