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Easy Ways To Be "Green" in 2018

The Come Clean Blog

There are so many easy things everyone can do to cut down on waste and be more eco-friendly in 2018. Being Green in 2018Here are just a few examples: take canvas bags to the grocery store, stop using plastic straws, get a water bottle that is reusable rather than buying plastic water bottles, use cloth napkins, etc.

And now, there is a cleaning system that allows you to reuse and reduce as well. JAWS (Just Add Water System) non-toxic and streak-free cleaning products have refillable and reusable spray bottles so you don't need to purchase a new bottle every time! This helps reduce the amount of plastic in landfills, which is great news for the planet.

How Does It Work? Just Add Water.

Just Add Water

JAWS bottles come with concentrated refill pods for eco-friendly cleaning products that are effective and clean without leaving any streaks. JAWS Cleaners are also biodegradable and non-toxic, so safe around your whole family (four-legged friends included.) When your first spray bottle is empty, you simply refill it with water, reload, and reuse. In fact, you can reuse JAWS bottles up to 26 times!

With this innovative system of environmentally-friendly cleaning products, you can save money while being kind to the planet.