JAWS International, Ltd., a Toledo-based company, has partnered with transportation solution provider DB Schenker to ship container loads of JAWS® cleaners to Australia. Woolworths, an Australia based retailer is now carrying JAWS in over 600 locations. "What's great about JAWS is that we can make it right here in Toledo and ship it anywhere economically," says President Bruce Yacko. "It truly opens up a world of opportunity".
JAWS, or the Just Add Water™ System, packages super-concentrated liquid cleaners into a cartridge. This concept saves both space and waste, because most existing household cleaners are 90-97% water. That means 10% or less of what’s left in the bottle is actually the cleaning product. With JAWS, the active ingredient is in the cartridge. You simply add water to the bottle, insert the cartridge, screw on the sprayer and you’re ready to clean.
So why use the innovative JAWS system? JAWS products save consumers money, reduce plastic in landfills and use 70% less packaging material because consumers reuse their bottle.
About JAWS International, Ltd.
JAWS International, Ltd. is a technology company that manufactures and markets JAWS® (Just Add Water System), an innovative, patented system designed to reduce the environmental impact of packaging used in traditional spray cleaning products and to provide consumers with high performance cleaners at an economic advantage. Founded on the principle of “Stop Shipping Water … It’s the Right Thing to Do”, JAWS delivers ultra-concentrated cleaning chemistry in patented refill cartridges for use with reusable bottles and sprayers.